Laura & Joel, Thursday 24th April 2014

In 2014, Laura and Joel exchanged vows in a sweet ceremony with close family and friends at Stones of the Yarra Valley.

The celebration was elegant and epitomised who they are as a couple, resulting in an incredible celebration of not only them, but also their nearest and dearest, and they made sure they partied well into the night!

Fast forward six loving years, they now have two beautiful kids, smashing careers and a few words of wisdom for those getting married.

How did you meet?


We are both from Ballarat originally. We went to the same school although Joel was a little older. So we knew of each other from around the traps and had ‘admired’ from afar….


Laura also lived in my local area and worked as a check out chick at the supermarket where we often crossed paths. The relationship began to blossom with a few chance meetings out at bars, one of which ended with a confident Laura telling me “I’d better watch out, because I’m going to get you!”

The flame was finally ignited when we both found ourselves on holidays in Noosa at the same time.


Unfortunately, when we finally became a couple, Joel had already booked a one-way ticket to move to London so the relationship was short lived. Luckily I knew I just couldn’t live without him and jumped on a plane 6 months later!

Tell us about the proposal…


After a quick check though Laura’s extensive social calendar I found that there were only two weekends in a three month block where a weekend down at the beach and a proposal was possible. 

I wanted to propose to Laura down in Lorne as it’s a place we both love spending time. After spending all day at the beach stressing about how this would go down, I decided that I would cook a nice dinner and somewhere in the middle would drop to the knee. 


After a 10 year courtship I had given up on predicting a proposal. We were on a very low key weekend away doing our favourite things in our most favourite place. We enjoyed a perfect beach day followed by a few nice wines, Joel cooked up a delicious meal, changed the soundtrack to Elton John and finally produced a bottle of Champagne and the ring! I love that he chose the ring himself (with a little help from my sister who was a great secret keeper!).

Tell us a little about the planning process


We were engaged on the first day of summer so the perfect season for celebrating! We partied our way into Christmas with an engagement celebration and then in the New Year started writing guest lists and thinking about what we wanted for our big day. I have a big family so we needed a large venue. I work in Events so initially we were thinking a marquee wedding somewhere in Lorne. Once I started looking into logistics I realised I didn’t want to ‘Event Manage’ my own wedding.

What made you choose Stones of the Yarra Valley?


We are country people so wanted to find a venue outside of the city and make a weekend of it with our friends and family. 

We instantly fell in love with Stones. It was just so beautiful! A perfect setting with everything we wanted in the one location. 

It feels private like someone’s home more than a venue. Every detail is considered with perfection.

What were some of your favourite moments/details on the day?


Really just having all our nearest and dearest together in the one place at the one time. Personally seeing Laura walk down the aisle in the chapel was the highlight of the day! The sun was shining through the doors as they opened and she appeared looking stunning… something I’ll never forget!


I was super nervous beforehand and Joel actually joined us for breakfast to try and chill me out. My favourite moment would have to be walking out of the chapel with Joel, absolutely flying with happiness and relaxing to appreciate how magical everything was. 

Also the speeches, always my favourite part of any wedding! And the dance floor!

Were there any traditions that were important to incorporate?


The most important traditions to us are family, friends, great food, flowing wine and a brilliant time! 

We were able to weave all of this together on the day seamlessly, with the help of the Stones staff! 


As some of our grandparents had already passed, we displayed their wedding photos in the Dairy. It was important for us to include them in some way as they had played significant roles in our lives growing up. We now have these photos on the wall in our home.

Any funny stories or near disasters?


No not really. I was a bit nervous in the lead up to the ceremony and probably had a few too many champagnes. By the time I got to my speech I was borderline in my ability to deliver a good speech, certainly too much waffle and gags that sounded better in my head!

Do you have any advice for couples who are currently planning their own wedding?


As the oldest of 4 girls and the first in my family to get married, a tradition that kicked off at our wedding was to embark on a whole week of wedding celebrations… not just a day! 

We were lucky enough to spend several days prior to the wedding together as a wider family. It was such a special lead in to the wedding. We have continued this tradition another two times since and they are some of our most special memories.


Where are you now? Living, career, family?


We are still living in inner city Melbourne. We are so lucky and absolutely love it but have very loose long term plans to move back to the country. 

We have two beautiful little ladies - Isabel, 4, and Amelia, almost 2.

I am very proud and happy to still be working with an incredible marketing agency Willett Marketing.

Any words of wisdom on marriage?


Ha ha - happy wife - happy life! No, not really, it’s a team game. Just be there for each other no matter what. It’s a journey that is really still in its infancy for us but so far it’s been fantastic and the introduction of 2 beautiful girls to our family has made me understand the true meaning of love and selflessness. Bring on the next chapter!


Be willing to laugh always - with your partner, sometimes at your partner (kindly) and importantly at yourself. 

Celebrate together - small things, big things, all the things! If there is anything this crazy world is teaching us right now it’s to appreciate.


Photographer: Erin & Tara

Videographer: A very generous family friend at the last minute, Nick Livingstone 

Florist: Bobiee Style

Band: Baker Boys


Kristee and Shane, Friday 1st May 2015